Thursday, November 21, 2013


Every summer, Mike and I travel to Dryden to visit his dad. This year we did something a bit different...we still went to Dryden but this year we brought Will and Scott with us...and all of our furniture and belongings. Yes, we've moved to Dryden, finally. We've been here since June 30th, almost 5 months. Any transition isn't easy; it's a good thing we all hated living in Thompson and love living in Dryden. That makes it easier to handle. Mike and I left good jobs behind and now we're only working part of the time. Hopefully we can get by until Mike is at least full-time. We found a place to rent. Life is good. Too bad Dryden gets snow in the winter. I haven't been writing since spring. I'm going to submit my manuscript to another publisher very soon and then start writing again. I'm not working as an educational assistant in Dryden. I'm still working with students but for the first time ever, I'm working with adult students. I've been thinking about a career change for a while now. Since I got here I've been doing research on what the best kind of job for me would be. Physically I'm sort of limited. As much as I 'd like to just be a writer, realistically, I'm assuming I need a real job. I've decided on Business administration, I think I'd enjoy doing that. I found a college I can get my diploma from. The 2 year course starts next September. I'm going to see if I can get funded for the course. That's one of the great things about Ontario. Will and Scott have applied with Ontario Disability Support Program, another really good thing about Ontario. Will is getting a walker to help him walk because he's only able to walk for 5 minutes without getting too tired. There isn't a lot of employment here, insurance is so expensive that I'm unable to drive until we can afford more than double the cost of our insurance. The price of Gas and hydro is criminal. I'm thinking, solar power would be ideal once we're in our own house. However, I'd rather be living in Ontario than Manitoba! Mike and I wonder if he should have moved to Dryden ahead of Will, Scott and I but that would have been difficult too. We all wanted to move at the same time so this is what we did. Here's hoping it all works out. I miss all my friends in Thompson and I miss the museum. Luckily we have a lot friends here too.