Wednesday, January 13, 2010

A litle bit about me is my website. Many years ago, when computers and the internet first came along, I had thought, ‘I should someday type up all my recipes and children’s activities.’ I had been working with children since 1988. I’ve always been such an odd geek; I had started baking when I was 2 and I started writing recipes when I was 12. So, about 10 years ago I started typing my recipes and children’s activities. I thought it would be great to put all my dreams in one basket. I had spent 3 years, typing mostly on my lunch hour. August 11, 2006 I had launched my website. I had spent 15 hours a day for 3 weeks transferring all my files to my new site. I had taken 2 courses to learn how to use Front Page but there was still so much to learn and there’s always so much more to learn. Even though I only have almost 300 files on my site and I still feel there’s a lot of work I need to put into it, the day I put it online was one of the proudest days of my life. Graduating from college. Giving birth to 2 boys. Getting my driver’s license (6 years ago.) Getting married for the first time ever (Sept. 5, 2008.) Those are my proudest moments…my website has been on the back burner for the last year and a half, understandably! Now, however I’d like to put more effort into it again. I was off on holidays during the winter break and I started advertising my site and doing extra work on it. My husband, Mike will be working nights for a while, so I’ll have a bit of time on my hands. I’ll work on my site and my other big dream…that I’ll explain in a future blog. I had been thinking about writing a blog for a while. I watched the movie Julie & Julia last night and that kind of clinched it. How inspiring! I’m always looking for inspiration and I'm always looking to inspire.


  1. The site is now,

  2. It’s, again.
