Thursday, May 1, 2014

I hate editors!

A friend of mine, who is also a writer, told me that editors are not your friends.  I didn’t believe her at first.  I believe her now.  I went from having an editor who was probably just recently working behind the counter at McDonald’s, to an editor who is even worse.  Maybe I shouldn’t have complained about the first one…years ago I placed a lot of ‘hads’ and ‘had beens’ in my manuscript, thinking they were needed.  I learned that they weren’t needed and they just made the finished product frustrating to read.  I spent days taking them out and changed the way I wrote.  My previous editor added some ‘hads.’  I thought, ‘I can live with that.’  Her grammar was bad though and she took out the quotation marks from the characters' thoughts.  I decided I could live with that too but I couldn’t handle a couple of other things.  My new editor is drowning my story with ‘hads’ and ‘had beens.’  She keeps commenting on my “bad grammar” and “bad English” and I’ve only read her notes on the first chapter.  My personal editor, is a college instructor and is my best friend.  He says my only faults with grammar is my use of commas and that the majority of readers don’t notice such things.  I’m very tempted to tell the publishing house to go fuck themselves and I’ll find another publisher.  Can I do that?  I’m a first time author, would that be a smart thing to do?  Sigh…