Friday, February 13, 2015

Stream of consciousness

There isn't anyone else...

The bonds that keep me rooted in this spot.

The promises that were made can't be sold or given away.

The transition it all entails is too much to bear. 

There isn't anyone else who could pay for my crime.

There's no going forward, yet there's no going back.

Walking blindly, but seeing all.

In and out of your life like a ghost, like a dream.

I can't leave; I can't stay.

Time, all I need is time to make things right. 

One more day, one more night.  One more year. 

When can I move on?

Forever was always desired but now forever isn't enough.

Here, I'll be easily forgotten, like I've never been.

Incapable of running, unable to hide, not able to stay, and not knowing how to disguise.

My past throws me ghosts and my future shows me nightmares.

I know where to go but not how to get there.

Can I live with the cause of sinking?

My disappointment of all is hard to imagine.

The concern of so many is what controls me.

Why?  When it's only me who has to live my life.  Why are others so influenced? 

There isn't anyone else.