Saturday, September 23, 2023

Burnt Out?

Am I stressed, worried, or burnt out?  Or am I all three?  Or is it  just a combination of menopause and grieving?  Or again, everything combined? 

When I first moved here (Newfoundland) I had friends, or people I thought were my friends, use me for whatever they could get.  Those three people aren't in my life anymore.  Hallelujah!  I need to stop giving so much...I need to learn what to hold on to.  

I just looked up the symptoms and reasons for burnout.  Sounds like that's what I'm going through.  

Since November, I've been learning as much as I class leads to another, then that class leads to another.  And there's learning in between the learning.  Lately.  I have been taking a break, but then that stresses me out because I'm not making an extra income.  

I don't owe anything on my overdraft, line of credit, credit cards, loans, mortgages, or anything.  I'm terrified that after this winter, that'll change, and then what?  

How do I continue to learn and not go overboard?  I've never been good at balancing things out.

Next week I'll go to the cabin.  That might help.  Most of October, Cyril will be working on the cabin, so Twiggs and I will be at the house on our own.  That'll give me time to balance...

Winter's coming.  I spend $3,000 a year for power with my house, and $5,000 for Will's.  I have a Heat Pump.  I need to get one for Will's.    Will needs a new refrigerator, or it needs to be fixed.  I need new windows and so does Will.  And I need a new door, and I need the house leveled.  The original contractor was a dipshit! So that needs to be redone before the rest of the house is completed.  I have new flooring, but it looks like shit because of that stupid dipshit!  The yards need serious work...

I've been debating on buying a new house and renting this one out.  

Again.  Money.  Learning.  Work.  Work.  Work.  

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